International Center for Pension Research

Director: Dr. Tapen Sinha

I run a blog on pensions. I also run another blog on general matters.

AXA Chair Professor of Risk Management and Insurance
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, Mexico

Special Professor, School of Business, University of Nottingham, UK

Research Associate, Centre for Risk and Insurance Studies (CRIS), University of Nottingham


SnailMailing Address:
Departamento Academico de Actuaria y Seguros
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)
Rio Hondo No. 1, Tizapan, San Angel
Mexico DF 01000

Phone (52) 55 5628 4088
Fax Mexico (52) 55 5628 4086


 Advisory Board:

International: Dr. Kevin Dowd, University of Nottingham, UK, Dr. Steven Haberman, City University, UK, Dr. John Piggott, University of New South Wales, Australia, Dr. Robert Holzmann, World Bank, Dr. Mukul Asher, National University of Singapore, Dr. Noriyuki Takayama, Japan, Dr. Stephen J. Kay, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, USA, Dr. Robert J. Brown, University of Waterloo, Canada, Dr. Kenneth Buffin, Buffin Partners Inc., USA.

National: Dr. Arturo Fernandez, ITAM, Dr. Enrique de Alba, ITAM, Sr. Eduardo Silva, Profuturo GNP, Act. Jorge Rendón, Dr. Fernando Solis, Grupo Bal and ITAM


The Center will be at the forefront of research issues affecting countries around the world with respect to private and public pension systems. It will take an interdisciplinary view of the entire range of issues affecting private pension and social security programs. It will encompass views from actuarial, economic, legal, financial, marketing, public policy, social, psychological and other perspectives. It will place special emphasis on issues affecting Latin American countries. In particular, it will have a special interest on Mexican issues.

The Center has organized nine conferences in the past ten years

The first such conference was held on 2 March, 2001. The scope of this seminar was international. Experts from various countries came to give talks on aspects of pension and social security in various countries in the Americas. You can get the details here.

The second conference was held on 21 September 2001. This conference had mostly Mexican content. All presentations were in Spanish. You can get all the papers here.

The third conference was held in early 2005. This conference was entirely on private pension in Mexico. The presentations in Spanish can be found here.

The fourth conference was held in March 2006 in Atlanta. This conference is jointly sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and the Pension Research Council of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. A website about the conference is now available. The presentations are now available here.

Based on the conference presentations, a book was published by the Oxford University Press in January 2008. The details of the book are here.

The fifth conference was held in February 2007 in Mexico. The details are here.

The sixth conference was held in April 2008. The details are here.

The seventh conference June 2009. The details are here.

The eighth conference April 2010. The details are here.

This was the Tenth Anniversary conference.

The ninth conference April 2011. The details are here.

The center also produces a series of working papers.

First, an updated version of a "where to find" paper.(by Tapen Sinha)

Second, a paper on pension reform in India.(by Mukul Asher)

Third, a critique of pension reform in Latin America (by Tapen Sinha)

Fourth, a critical look at the Singaporean system (by Mukul Asher)

Fifth, a timely view of Chinese reform (by Mukul Asher)

Sixth, an interesting behavioral perspective on retirement (by Mukul Asher)

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