Kenneth G. Buffin PhD, FSA, FCA, FIA, FSS is an actuary, statistician and
economist with career experience extending over more than 30 years. During
his career, he has served in various capacities as consultant, project manager,
actuary and investment strategist for major institutional clients. He currently
serves as Chairperson of the American Academy of Actuaries Social Insurance
Committee and as a member of the International Actuarial Association's Social
Security Committee and the Society of Actuaries Social Security Committee.
Ken is the President of Buffin Partners, Inc., an independent actuarial,
economic and investment consulting company in the USA. He is the author
or coauthor of various publications of the American Academy of Actuaries
including: Public Policy Monograph on Social Security Reform Options; Social
Adequacy and Individual Equity in Social Security; A Guide to the Use of
Stochastic Models in Analyzing Social Security; Women and Social Security;
Quantitative Measures for Evaluating Social Security Reform Proposals; Annuitization
of Social Security Individual Accounts; Investing Social Security Assets
in the Securities Markets.