International Center for Pension Research (ICPR)
ICPR news
You can watch the latest videoblog entry (interview: Mexico was not the cause of the Influeza pandemic of 2009) here.You can read the latest blog entry (Reform of the Mexican Federal Workers Pension ) here.
The Tenth Pensions Conference, aimed at managers, directors of human resources, risk management, actuaries, administrators, accountants, journalists and people interested in the topic, is to be held on April 2012.
Latest news
The Center will be at the forefront of research issues affecting countries around the world with respect to private and public pension systems. It will take an interdisciplinary view of the entire range of issues affecting private pension and social security programs. It will encompass views from actuarial, economic, legal, financial, marketing, public policy, social, psychological and other perspectives. It will place special emphasis on issues affecting Latin American countries. In particular, it will have a special interest on Mexican issues.
News about the world.
ICPR's Advisory Board
About the Director, Tapen Sinha
Founder and Director, International Center for Pension Research, ITAM, MexicoAXA Chair Professor of Risk Management and InsuranceInstituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, MexicoSpecial Professor, School of Business, University of Nottingham, UKResearch Associate, Centre for Risk and Insurance Studies (CRIS), University of NottinghamCurriculum Vitae
International: Dr. Mukul Asher, National University of SingaporeDr. Robert J. Brown, University of Waterloo, CanadaDr. Kenneth Buffin, Buffin Partners Inc., USA.Dr. Kevin Dowd, University of Nottingham, UK Dr. Steven Haberman, City University, UKDr. Robert Holzmann, World BankDr. Stephen J. Kay, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, USADr. John Piggott, University of New South Wales, AustraliaDr. Noriyuki Takayama, JapanNational:Dr. Arturo Fernandez, ITAMDr. Enrique de Alba, ITAMDr. Fernando Solis, ITAM
Lessons from Pension Reform in the Americas (edited with S. Kay) published by Oxford University Press 2008.Retrospective and Prospective Analysis of the Privatized Mandatory Pension System in Mexico (Entire monograph available free of charge) (Society of Actuaries Monograph M-RS02-1) the Society of Actuaries, Chicago, USA, June 2002, ISBN 0-938959-72-7.Pension Reform in Latin America and Its Lessons for International Policymakers Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 2000 (Huebner international series on risk, insurance, and economic security no. 23), 306 pages, ISBN 0-7923-7882-2.
Global Lessons from the AIDS pandemic (with B. Condon) published by Springer Verlag in 2008. ISBN 3540783911, 9783540783916, 365 pages.Trazando Lineas en Arena y Nieve: La Seguridad Fronteriza y la Integracion Economica en America del Norte (with B. Condon) published by Cameron May, 2008.E-Business Process Management (edited with J. Sounderpandian) published by Ideas Group Inc. January 2007.The Indian Insurance Industry: Challenges and Prospects (Entire monograph available free of charge) Monograph Published by the Swiss Reinsurance Company, Hong Kong, 2005, 81 pages.Insurance Regulation in North America: Integrating American, Canadian and Mexican Markets (joint work with B. Condon and J. Sadka), 220 pages, published by Kluwer Law International, 2003 (ISBN: 90-411-2226-5).Drawing Lines in Sand and Snow: Border Security and North American Business and Economics (joint work with B. Condon) published by M. E. Sharpe 2003. 230 pages ISBN: 0-7656-1235-6.
Social Security and Pension Research Resource Guide to Latin America, 2001. By Tapen SinhaThe Case For A Regulatory Authority for Indias Pensions System, 2001. By Mukul AsherCan Latin American Experience Teach Us Something About Privatized Pensions With Individual Accounts? 2002. By Tapen SinhaThe Role of the Global Economy in Financing Old Age: The Case of Singapore, 2002. By Mukul AsherThe Challenge of Social Security Reform in Transition Economies: The Case of China, 2002. By Mukul Asher and David NewmanBehavioral Economics and Retirement Well-being in Asia, 2002. by Mukul Asher
Tenth Conference
This conference is to be held in April 2012.
Ninth Conference
This conference was held in April 2011. It concerned Latin American pension accounts and the retirement savings system.
Eighth Conference
This conference was held in April 2010. It concerned AFORES and pension costs.This was the Tenth Anniversary conference.
Seventh Conference
This conference was held in June 2009. It concerned capitalization and Private Social Security Systems.
Sixth Conference
This conference was held in April 2008. It concerned public pension system challenges and annuities.
Fifth Conference
This conference was held in February 2007 in Mexico. The scope was an analysis of the main elements that affect pension systems.
Fourth Conference
This conference was held in March 2006 in Atlanta. This conference is jointly sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and the Pension Research Council of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. A website about the conference is now available.Based on the conference presentations, a book was published by the OxfordUniversity Press in January 2008. The details of the book are here.
Third Conference
This conference was held in early 2005. This conference was entirely on private pension in Mexico.
Second Conference
This conference was held on 21 September 2001. This conference had mostly Mexican content. All presentations were in Spanish.
First Conference
The first such conference was held on 2 March, 2001. The scope of this seminar was international. Experts from various countries came to give talks on aspects of pension and social security in various countries in the Americas.
SnailMailing Address:Departamento Academico de Actuaria y SegurosInstituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)Rio Hondo No. 1, Tizapan, San AngelMexico DF 01000MEXICOPhone/Fax:Phone (52) 55 5628 4088 Fax Mexico (52) 55 5628 4086email:
International Center for Pension Research 2001-2011